
by @takedakun & @inosms

currently alpha

The main goal for this project is to learn Rust. Also we wanted to write a game starting from a lower level than for example Unity in order to learn how some basic parts of game programming need to be handled. Of course a game is not just code so we also learned basic design, 3D modeling and music production.

Turn based strategy game

written in Rust using Amethyst

The game has many modes but the main idea is to capture as many panels as possible while defending already captured panels from being taken back by the other player. Every object has a limited amount of moves in every turn, so tactical thinking is needed.

One thing that was very important for us was that animations feel "smooth" and panels feel like they were alive like the grass or water panel. The 3d models and game rules are designed by @takedakun while @inosms focuses on panels, shader and overall game implementation.

Every country has its own type of panel and every panel type has different properties. If for example a mountain range is too high you need to go around or turn those panels. Also depending on the country of the player swamp panels might slow you down.

Having implemented games in C++ previously and knowing the pains of cmake/crosscompilation, doing game programming in Rust is just incredibly fun! The tools are not perfect yet, but it already feels great. The game is still in its alpha-stage and more changes will come soon! If you want to follow the progress there are updates on Twitter