dark ocean

by @inosms

This was one of my first projects. The goal for this project was mainly to learn C++ and also some GLSL before entering university. Because the game should work on different platforms the codebase was desgined to work cross-platform (cmake helped a lot with that). During the development process I was able to learn important programming concepts as well as game and graphics design.

Underwater organism simulation

written in C++
using SDL/Box2D/OpenGL

The game was heavily inspired by Flow (thatgamecompany) and is about a fish like organism swimming around in a vast ocean. There are several layers and every layer has different organisms. For physics Box2D was integrated and the water flow simulation was reimplemented following a paper on fluid simulation.

There are different non-living objects, for example ones that stick to the body of the main organisms and apply constant damage. There is an ability system (not shown here), featuring for example a "shock wave" to push sticky objects away or a "whirl ability" to create water flows leading to other layers. For organisms building swarms a swarm AI was implemented.

The deeper the levels get the more interesting organisms spawn and the player has to use the abilities collected in the upper layers in new ways.